

2018-03-31 Evan McDowell 阅读:


1、Describe the most challenging engineering project you have been involved in during the past year. What made this project challenging for you?


This question not only helps you get a better understanding of what the candidate believes is a challenging project, but it also shows you what they have learned from past challenges in the field. In most cases, you will want to have more questions in your back pocket to get even more information out of this question. Consider follow-up questions about how the candidate overcame the challenges they faced and what they learned from it.Tmuednc


2、Tell me about an experience you had with a difficult client. How did you handle the situation? Looking back, what would you have done differently? (you could substitute boss if the candidate hadn’t dealt directly with customers)

告诉我一个您和难相处的客户的经历。 您是如何处理这种情况的?回顾一下,您会做什么改变? (如果应聘者没有直接与客户打交道,对象可以替换成老板)

It is important to see how potential employees deal with pressure from difficult clients. You need someone who won’t damage critical relationships with your clients when things get tough. A good candidate will demonstrate the ability to listen to a client’s problem and fix the problem in a way that is suitable for all parties.Tmuednc


By asking what the candidate would have done differently, you can see how the individual has grown since the event.Tmuednc


3、How do you stay current with the latest technology?


Engineering is a fast-paced field. In an ever-changing environment, it is important to keep up with technology. You could even ask specific questions about a new technology that is gaining traction in the field to see if the candidates know much about what is current.Tmuednc


4、Tell me about a time you had to lead. How would you describe your leadership style?


Most non-junior people have had some sort of leadership role(s). This could have been a large project involving many people, or a simpler task with only one other. Regardless, you want someone who knows how to step up when they are needed. You’ll learn how the candidates define leadership, and how they will function in that role at your company. You want to look for someone with leadership qualities that fit in with your company’s culture.Tmuednc


5、What do you enjoy the most and least about engineering?


When it comes to hiring a new engineer, you want to ensure that you are picking someone who has a good attitude about the job they will be asked to do every day. You are looking for someone who is interested in the things that your particular position has to offer. If their least favorite activity is a big part of the position, you will immediately know they aren’t the right fit.Tmuednc


6、Where do you see yourself five (or ten) years from now?


This is a common interview question regardless of the type of position. You should ask this question to get a better feel for the goals of the candidates. No employer wants to hire someone who doesn’t expect to stick around for a while, and engineering positions are no different.Tmuednc


7、Can you describe the most challenging written technical report or presentation you’ve had to complete?


You want to know about a candidate’s verbal and written skills as well as their engineering skills. As the candidate explains the report or presentation, you’ll gain insight into what they find challenging, and what kinds of information gathering and presentation projects the candidate has been responsible for in the past, while also learning about their communications skills.Tmuednc


8、What checks and balances do you put in place to ensure that you don’t make mistakes?


It is important that candidates know how to check their own work to prevent mistakes. This is a question that will often make candidates think about the way they do things, even though they might not have considered it much before. Even if they aren’t aware of it, most candidates already have some sort of system in place to prevent errors in their work, and this question just makes them think about it.Tmuednc


Candidates may ask a colleague to check over their ideas and work, and/or use helpers like spreadsheets, timelines, checklists, etc. No matter what the system is, it is important that each candidate has one and can describe it thoroughly.Tmuednc


9、Have you ever been asked to work on a decreased budget or help reduce costs?


Companies all want to save money. Candidates experienced in finding ways to reduce costs could be instrumental in decreasing costs within your company, as there are bound to be times when saving money is an important aspect of the job.Tmuednc


Interviewing can be a tough job. You will often talk with numerous qualified engineers, and will need to sort through them to find the best fit for the position. While you are interviewing candidates, keep your company’s atmosphere in mind. You want to pick someone who is more than just qualified; you want someone who can also fit in with the other employees.Tmuednc


As you conduct more interviews, you will surely add your own questions to this list, and find new ways to get differentiating information out of potential engineering employees during the interview process, such as with follow-up and field-specific questions. Try to enjoy your time on the employer side of the table. It can be taxing, but is ultimately rewarding.Tmuednc


(原文发表于Aspencore旗下EDN美国版,参考链接:9 best questions to ask an EE job candidate;Demi Xia编译)Tmuednc


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