
32款车规级40~150V N沟道JSFET广泛应用于汽车市场

2022-05-18 捷捷微 阅读:
随着汽车智能化及辅助驾驶 (ADAS) 的普及,激发了对电子元器件的巨大增量需求;电动化和车联网趋势,使越来越多传统机械元件被更可靠更灵敏的半导体器件取代。捷捷微电顺势而为,二十六年如一日的聚焦功率半导体,在人才建设、技术创新、生产制造和质量管理等方面积累了深厚的底蕴,在汽车产品及市场应用持续耕耘多年 ,以做好国产化替代为使命,持续为车企及Tier-1客户提供更多的产品选择和更好的服务。

这 32 款汽车等级 SGT MOSFETs,芯片的设计制造及成品的封装测试,皆在符合 IATF 16949 品质管理的工厂完成 。每个器件也通过三批次、符合 AEC-Q101 标准的长期可靠性验证。优异的关键电气参数如导通电阻 (1.3 ~ 29.0mΩ) 、栅极电荷 (6.8 ~ 88.0nC) 、FOM (55 ~ 354) 等, 性能不输欧美大厂,已广泛被汽车前装及后装市场接受並大规模出货。2UVednc

为实现与先进芯片的有机匹配,保证性能与高可靠性,在 -55 ~ 175°C 温度区间内保持长期稳定工作,PDFN3x3/5x6-8L/-D 及 TO-252/263-3/7L的封装,从框架到贴芯工艺、线材、焊接工艺等, 均采用 MSL1 等级及低机械温度应力材料。所有车规级 SGT MOSFETs 皆不含卤素,且符合 RoHS 要求。2UVednc

Key Aspects of 40~150V Q-grade JSFET®2UVednc

Parametric Performance to Meet the Challenge

Exceptional RDS(ON)_Typ at down to 1.3mΩ, FOM as small as 55, EAS_Max as high as 889mJ lead to reliable operation under the harsh working environment typical of automobiles.2UVednc

Robustness & Long-term Reliability

All devices passed the stringent AEC-Q101 qualification @ 3 lots & TJ = 175℃.  Wafer and A/T production facilities are IATF 16949 certified for quality management.2UVednc

Unclamped Inductive Switching Tested

Fully UIS tested during production to confirm the device’s ability to withstand the avalanche energy common in both resistive and inductive type of loads.2UVednc

Robust & Thermal Efficient Packages

SM-type PDFN3x3/5x6-8L/-D, TO-252-3L, TO-263-3/7L with high immunity to thermal-mechanical stress enable reliable operation under excessively low / high ambient temperature.2UVednc


Application Circuits2UVednc

These 40 ~ 150V SGT MOSFETs are well suited for applications inside automobiles.  Their long-term reliability were tested per AEC-Q101 quality standards. JMSL0406AGQ and its dual-die variant JMSL0406AGDQ are popular in body control module (BCM) for use cases like low-power DC motor driving.  With RDS(ON) down to 1.3mΩ, JMSH041AGQ fits the power efficiency requirement of mid/high-power DC motors. Typical applications are: multi-way power seat, power tailgate, centralized door lock, ESC (electronic stability control).  At VDS_Max = 100V and assembled in the low-profile PDFN5x5-8L package, JMSL1018AGQ is good for LED backlighting in flat panel display of the infotainment/ADAS unit. In contrast, JMSL1020AGDQ drives two strings of high-brightness LEDs simultaneously for backlighting in larger panel.2UVednc



Figure 1:  DC/DC Boost in mini/LED Backlighting  2UVednc


                                                                Figure 2:   DC / BLDC Motor Driving 2UVednc

Product Portfolio 2UVednc

Shipping Information2UVednc


Samples & production quantities of the Q-grade 40~150V JSFET are available from sales_sh@jjwdz.com and authorized sales distributors.2UVednc

目前这两款产品已规模量产,样品可向 捷捷微电 销售部、合约代理商、或相关商务渠道申请。产品规格书,辅助系统电路设计的资料如 POD (package outline drawing) 、仿真模型 H-Spice 及 P-Spice 等具体信息,均可直接在官网浏览或下载 https://www.jjwdz.com/product/103/2UVednc


江苏捷捷微电子股份有限公司创建于 1995 年,是集芯片研发、芯片制造、封测和销售为一体的江苏省高新技术企业。主导产品为单、双向可控硅、MOSFET (SGT、沟槽、平面、超结等工艺)、低结电容 ESD、TVS、低结电容放电管等各类保护器件、高压整流二极管、功率型开关晶体管。捷捷微电是国内领先的高品质功率半导体器件 IDM,晶闸管龙头企业。在启东、南通、无锡和上海拥有四大研发中心;江苏启东、南通两大制造基地更是全力打造「制造优越」和「本土化自主化」。公司先后通过 ISO 9001:2008 和 IATF 16949质量管理体系、ISO 14001:2004 环境管理体系、OHSAS 18001 职业健康安全体系、QC 080000有害物质过程管理体系认证。2UVednc

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