引自[1]: The Most Significant Skills for Automotive Software Developers
Skill 1: Industry Expertise
Software developers in the automotive industry must be familiar with various industry standards. You should know what an infotainment system and a head unit are, what components are behind them, how they can be connected and what forms of data transmission and storage exist. Tier 1 suppliers like Bosch will require hands-on experience in embedded programming. Automakers will also value your ability to develop and test software for ECUs (Electric Control Units) microcontrollers, microprocessors, debuggers, etc.
Skill 2: Experience with Large-Scale Projects
In a large scale project, you will be required to communicate and interact with the teams of engineers, designers, testers as well as involved executive managers. If you’re an inexperienced software developer, brace yourself for overwhelming complexity of processes, tight deadlines and multiple interchangeable operations of geographically distributed teams. Therefore, before stepping up into any development activities, it’s better to study the entire structure of an organization, project requirements and only then, narrowing down to your specific job responsibilities.
Skill 3: Technology Competency
If you are attentive to details and can demonstrate a good technology competency, you’ll be able to cope with an extensive codebase of an embedded system that can have different versions and modules, their complex logical dependencies and mathematical algorithms. In addition, it will be also valued if you understand how to alter the code to provide new functions without affecting the functionality of existing solutions. The act of balancing between technical requirements, changing business requirements and high standards to the functional safety of any in-vehicle solutions is also a part of this competency you may hardly find in any job description.
Skill 4: Communication Skills
Software development in the automotive industry has many factors to consider. Among them are project requirements, project planning, basic architecture, quality requirements and process changes. At every stage of software development, you will have to put into practice your communication skills and professional approach to the entire delivery process including numerous iterations of the same feature.
Skill 5: Good Knowledge of English
Frequently, automotive projects are international and people from different countries are expected to have a decent level of English to find a common language with other team members. Besides, your English fluency will be also highly estimated by the management of the project deciding on which IT service company and team to pick up during the tender.
Skill 6: Responsibility
New releases in the automotive industry have far-reaching implications. The more features are added, the more complicated the entire embedded system becomes. And most importantly, these are mission-critical systems and any unnoticed mistake may incur more than just repair expenses. Perhaps, you remember a much-talked-of fatal test drive by Uber self-driving car[ that failed to recognize a pedestrian in the darkness. In this case, not only testers but also automotive software developers must have a strong sense of responsibility in terms of the code quality and deadlines.
引自:ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288:2015(E) terms and definition
requirement:statement that translates or expresses a need and its associated constraints and conditions.
其次谈文档规范。认真对待文档规范,你将会有意想不到的收获。软件工程师一般都不喜欢写文档,写了一份又一份,关键最后还可能几乎没人看,但规定要去写那还必须得写,些许无奈。那何不换个角度,先从认真对待开始,接下来就会逐渐思考如何写?如何写好?为什么文档模板这么安排?不知不觉就会去看一些标准规范,通过这些就能逐渐去理解文档的别有用心以及这些模板的由来,一般标准会提供一些参考模板,比如图4(源引自:IEEE Recommended Practice for Software Requirements Specifications,IEEE Std 830-1998)。然后结合自身工作经验,再来理解这些文档,会发现文档不再那么抽象,其实非常科学,非常严谨,最后会学着利用这些文档来帮助自己形成一个更有逻辑更有层次的表达。所以认真对待文档规范(也包括流程),有了这方面的强烈意识,我觉得一方面不管是要符合ASPICE,还要AUTOSAR,应该都可以很快遵循这些规范来指导实践;另一方面也极有助于我们从项目管理和软件工程角度来看待项目。
4.1 软件方面
再到计算机系统要素(Build a Modern Computer from First Principles: Nand to Tetris,希伯来大学): 记得讲到布尔运算(两个结论:Any Boolean function can be represented using an expression containing AND and NOT operation. Boolean function can be represented using an expression containing only NAND operations),寄存器,CPU,汇编语言,编译原理,特别有意思。
4.2 工具方面
4.3 专业知识